Two Hearts Background

Friday, December 10, 2010

The newest batch of bows

This doesn't include the two Christmas ones that I have just made. Hailey already lost the 1st one I made at by accident. It fell out of her hair at recess, then the next day some girl had the nerve to wear it, and Hailey is too shy to ask for it back. That makes me so mad, I work hard on that bow. We'll my 2nd one turned out really cute too. I'm also going to make a cupcake bow and a princess castle bow for Hailey and one of my nieces who's name we have for Christmas.


  1. THose are adorable. You are very talented. That is too bad about Hailey's first bow.

  2. Those are so cute! So sad about the bow...maybe it will fall out of the other girl's hair at recess and Hailey can get it back! :)
