Funerals can be hard. 2 Funerals can be harder. Rhett's Grandma Keppner was recently diagnosed with liver cancer and passed away June 19th 2011.
Grandma Keppner with Hailey in 2003
Funeral June 23rd 2011
Grandpa Keppner, Uncle Tony, LaPreal, (mother-in-law) Aunt Shauna, Uncle Monte, Uncle Randy. Missing Aunt Linda
The purple flowers where from Grandma Keppners garden.
My grandpa had been having problems for quite some time. He had some small strokes, and kept falling. He thought he was dead and had cried for his wife Lola wondering where she was. She died last year in April. He has been wanting to die ever since she has. His body just didn't want to give up. A few weeks ago he had a blood test done and they showed that he was as healthy as a 50 year old in that way. By Sunday night June 26th 2011 his heart rate was getting too high and his oxygen was abnormal. My dad and Uncle Scott with my Aunt Patti present gave him a priesthood blessing asking for his body to let go of his spirit. Withing 10 to 15 mins he had passed away.
Grandpa Earl with Faye 1981
Added into the flowers Grandpa's pricing stamper from the store, his gardening gloves, and shears
Funeral June 30th 2011
Honoring a Veteran