For a rainy and cloudy morning it was wonderful. We got Hailey to the church by 8:15 in the morning to get dressed in her white jumpsuit. Of course mom thinks its a great time to take pictures.
Hailey had many family members who came to support her and even had her school teacher Mrs. Lybbert come. She was thrilled.
This was taken after being confirmed. Nathan wanted mommy but didn't want to look at the camera.
Afterward we went to Rhett's sister Deneece's house ( the biggest place we could get, the church was full) and had lunch.
It was Will's wife Hillary's 25th Birthday today also. Poor thing though ended up sick all night. We made sure that some cake got sent home to her.
Hailey coloring the baptism pillowcase that Grandma Earl bought her
Lola made some new friends out of Danyel's daughter Mylee and Deneece's daughter Meredith ( Mimi)
After the party calmed down Grandpa Hayes left to do a CDL. The women where sitting at the kitchen table talking while the kids where outside playing. All the sudden where hear a bicycle horn honking and lots of laughing and we see Grandpa out there on one of the kids bikes riding like a lunatic (partly the bikes fault) then he had to try the scooter. We all got a good laugh and he got some good exercise.
Hailey letting cousin Ashlynn draw a unicorn while she checks out the book Grandma gave her. Here are also some pics that I took of Hailey in her baptism dress.