Two Hearts Background

Friday, August 5, 2011

My 1st youtube video

Its called Story of My Life by Backstreet Boys. Its a reminder that life can be hard and that everybody feels like a nobody sometimes. It reminds us to get up and try again and hold on to your faith there will be better days. I hope you like it.

Monday, July 4, 2011

2 Funerals in 2 weeks

Funerals can be hard. 2 Funerals can be harder. Rhett's Grandma Keppner was recently diagnosed with liver cancer and passed away June 19th 2011.
                                 Grandma Keppner with Hailey in 2003
                                      Funeral June 23rd 2011
 Grandpa Keppner, Uncle Tony, LaPreal, (mother-in-law) Aunt Shauna, Uncle Monte, Uncle Randy. Missing Aunt Linda

The purple flowers where from Grandma Keppners garden.

My grandpa had been having problems for quite some time. He had some small strokes, and kept falling. He thought he was dead and had cried for his wife Lola wondering where she was. She died last year in April. He has been wanting to die ever since she has. His body just didn't want to give up. A few weeks ago he had a blood test done and they showed that he was as healthy as a 50 year old in that way. By Sunday night June 26th 2011 his heart rate was getting too high and his oxygen was abnormal. My dad and Uncle Scott with my Aunt Patti present gave him a priesthood blessing asking for his body to let go of his spirit. Withing 10 to 15 mins he had passed away.
                                            Grandpa Earl with Faye 1981
 Added into the flowers Grandpa's pricing stamper from the store, his gardening gloves, and shears 
                                 Funeral June 30th 2011
                                     Honoring a Veteran

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 7th, 2011 They Day Hailey was Baptized

For a rainy and cloudy morning it was wonderful. We got Hailey to the church by 8:15 in the morning to get dressed in her white jumpsuit. Of course mom thinks its a great time to take pictures.

Hailey had many family members who came to support her and even had her school teacher Mrs. Lybbert come. She was thrilled.
This was taken after being confirmed. Nathan wanted mommy but didn't want to look at the camera.
Afterward we went to Rhett's sister Deneece's house ( the biggest place we could get, the church was full) and had lunch.
 It was Will's wife Hillary's 25th Birthday today also. Poor thing though ended up sick all night. We made sure that some cake got sent home to her.

 Hailey coloring the baptism pillowcase that Grandma Earl bought her

 Lola made some new friends out of Danyel's daughter Mylee and Deneece's daughter Meredith ( Mimi)

 After the party calmed down Grandpa Hayes left to do a CDL. The women where sitting at the kitchen table talking while the kids where outside playing. All the sudden where hear a bicycle horn honking and lots of laughing and we see Grandpa out there on one of the kids bikes riding like a lunatic (partly the bikes fault) then he had to try the scooter. We all got a good laugh and he got some good exercise.

Hailey letting cousin Ashlynn draw a unicorn while she checks out the book Grandma gave her. Here are also some pics that I took of Hailey in her baptism dress.

Hailey's Baptism Video

Friday, April 22, 2011

School Photo's

                                                         Hailey 8yrs old. 2nd Grade
                                                        Keigan 6yrs old. Kindergarten
                                                                 Nathan 2 1/2 yrs old

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I love the show Glee! This latest song gave me goosebumps.

Drugged Out

For my birthday I get to have drugs and sleep all day! The surgeon considers my gallbatter problem an emergency because my liver levels are high. I get to go into the hospital on Hailey and my birthday in the morning and have my gallblatter removed. He is also suspicious that I might have a stone in a tube.He can only find that out while in surgery. If I do that means the next day I get to go in for surgery again and have a harder surgery done to remove that.
I got Hailey's presents wrapped tonight and hoping I will be awake enough later in the evening to watch her open them. I'm guessing no cake for me, so I think I'll make Rhett go get me a blizzard from Dairy Queen. :) For once Rhett gets to be the one to sit in the waiting room. In the past 2 yrs I sat in the waiting room while he had all sorts of different surgery. Biopsy, catheters put in a couple of times, transplant, appendix. Probably  6 to 8 surgery's.
I think I will need to milk this for all I can. My turn to play patient, he can be my nurse. ;)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Oh the PAIN!!!

For the last 7 months I have been having stomach pain on and off. At first is would last about 15 mins to an hour. The 1st Dr said it was indigestion and the medication she gave me helped. I wasn't in pain anymore. Then 2 month later WHAM!!! and the pain lasted longer. Another Dr, said that it was probably indigestion and gave me medication and said to come back in 3 weeks if I was still having problems. Again I seemed to be doing ok. Drinking 8 oz of water with 1tsp of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (with the "mother") helped and I lost 4 pounds in 2 days. Then a month ago Rhett ran me to a 24 hr  Medical Care with what was even worse pain. The pain that brings tears to your eyes and your hunched over. After 2 hrs in the waiting room ( 4 hrs of pain )the pain started going away .Go Figure! this Dr ruled out ulsters and said to later go see my regular Dr about it being IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) I looked it up at home and it sounded like a for sure thing. It was the end of the month and being on a Disability Income we had no money so I thought I would watch my diet and wait until the beginning of the next month. NOT A CHANCE! A week later pain even worse than before took me to my new Dr that is helping me with my medication. He was surprised that no one had checked to see if it was my gall blatter. He scheduled and ultrasound for the next day and had the nurse give me a shot in the hip to help the pain. Oh poor me! It didnt help 5 hrs of really bad pain then another 5 hrs of mild pain.
The ultrasound was done on a Friday so I had to wait until Monday for the results. With my medications off and the thought of having surgery (never have had before) or if they found nothing the thought of them going in with a scope brought up my anxiety. I slept 14hrs on Saturday and 16hrs on Sunday. I just couldn't wake up. I didn't want to be. Thats how some of us  people with Bipolor end up dealing with something that stresses us. We just want to shut out the world and go into our own world.
Monday the call came and the nurse said that it was my gall blatter and that I have some gall stones. They have scheduled me to meet with a surgeon on Monday. ( a whole week later!!! Nnnnooo! Get it over with now) I hadn't had pain for a few days so I thought I could make it. Just keep away from fatty foods and acidy foods. I did fine until Friday. I made my favorite soup. Cabbage Soup. ( I got it from my mother) The cabbage, sausage, and tomato paste a BIG NO NO. I started hurting a few hours after eating. Thank goodness the pain was mild and went away after 3 hrs. Saturday I wasn't so lucky. Not sure what I ate that day but it hurt worse then I would imagine labor would be without an epidural. 8 hrs of pain. Nothing would help ease the pain. It finally went away (4 in the morning) when I threw-up. On of the few times that I welcome it. I was afraid to eat today (Sunday) I didn't want to hurt like that again. Not my luck. I asked Rhett if we could have Subway because I was afraid we didnt have anything that I could eat. Dang you Subway and my Veggie Delight!!. I usually dont get cucumber but I thought it sounded good this time, not knowing it was one of the no no's. Well here I am in pain again. going on 3 hrs. I'm trying to distract myself. I thought blogging wasn't something Ive tried yet. It seems to help here and there. Now if tomorrow would come I could beg the surgeon to remove my gall blatter now. I'm at the point that I dont care if Im down and out on my birthday. (on tuesday) Poor Hailey (whose birthday it is also) she wanted us to go swimming at Green Canyon. We may still do that on Saturday, I just wont be able to get in the water.
Wish me luck. I will let you know when and how it went.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Mormon Ads


Monday, February 14, 2011

Ken wins Barbie back on Valentine's Day - Feb. 14, 2011

Ken wins Barbie back on Valentine's Day - Feb. 14, 2011

Ha ha ha! I cant believe they thought that this was that important to post. Well, they are celebritys of a sort. And Ken sporting a Justin Bieber look *gag*

I did buy the dolls for Hailey for her Valentines Day gift. It was only $5. Cant beat that. 1 doll is usually over $10.

Monday, February 7, 2011

New bow

Here is my latest batch of bows. A few fun ones and of course some Valentines Day ones with Valentines Day coming

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oh My! She is almost 8!!!!!

   I cant believe my baby girl is almost 8! Earlier this month we had a meeting at the church for all the kids that will be getting baptized this year. Hailey was SO excited. She bugged for 2 hours asking if it was time to go yet. I started getting tears in my eyes listening to her and the other almost 8 yrs olds sing the baptism song.
   I keep thinking how fast April will get here and about baptizing her in May. I came up with a plan to make her a video with pictures of her growing up for an after the baptism. Im having a hard time thinking of what songs to do. LDS songs or 77, 79,80 or 81 maybe 82 from my song list. What do You think?
   I also hope to take her out in April in her baptism dress and get some really pretty pictures to add to the end of the video. Of course she wont know the real reason for the pictures. I hope it will be nice in April cuz I want outside pictures up by BYU-I at the garden that the students make. We took family pictures their and it was a beautiful place.

Friday, January 28, 2011

YouTube - Caterpillar Crawl

YouTube - Caterpillar Crawl

Natalie you have to watch this. Remember listening to this and how my dad said they sounded like the Chipmunks. ha ha

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fun in the Snow

It's been a little while since I posted something. Its been hard to motivate myself to do much lately. And STUPID Government make it VERY hard on those who really need the help to get it. Looks like I'm going to have to go in front of a judge to get my disability. So many medical things I need. ANYWAYS! Rhett got the idea to go sledding on Saturday. The kids got very excited and they all wanted me to go. We even stopped at Kings to buy Hailey new boots so she wouldn't wear mine so that I could wear them. I was glad that I did go. I took the camera and got some cute photo's. Thats my favorite part of these kind of activities, taking photo's to remember how cute and little my kids where at this time.

                                           We took Hailey's friend Nikkia with us

                                  Rhett threw snow down on the kids as they came climbing back up
                                                Nathan loved getting in on the snowball fight

                                                The kids gained up on Daddy
                                                 Keigan didn't want mom to feel left out
                                                          Nathan's cute little foot prints
                                                           Keigan making a snow bunny